Friday, August 27, 2010

Come ON People

I was riding my bike down fifth avenue today on my way to the zoo and came upon the most annoying bike riders I have ever encountered.  Fifth avenue doesn’t have a dedicated bike lane, but it does have a bus lane with very very few buses.  Perfect for riding a bike in.  Delightful, actually.  Then I got to the Met and saw these toolboxes riding on the sidewalk and riding in a group so they took up the whole thing.  Annoying normally but even worse at a place like the Met that is crawling with people and tourists.  They took the same course as I did all the way to the zoo and the entire time stayed on the sidewalk. 

IMG_0460I only got a clear shot of one of their faces, the mother I suspect, so I will aim all of the shaming upon her.

shameSeriously people, this is why they make bike lanes. 

Fletcher Diet Experiment Day Four

Tacky Prom and NYC 036

Today did not go very well.  I woke up, had a banana for lunch (100 calories), and decided to go for a bike ride to the Central Park Zoo.  It wasn’t a far ride at all, about 2 1/2 miles, but it almost killed me.  I think that the combination of only eating 500 calories yesterday, only having a banana for lunch, and the crazy hill that is 5th avenue was too much for my body to take.  So even though I wasn’t hungry yesterday or even after my lunch today, my body still needed more fuel before doing physical activity.  I will just have to do a better job of monitoring my calories before exerting myself.

After getting to the zoo I walked around for blocks to try and find coke.  I needed some fast energy and coke seemed like a good solution, even though the zoo only had pepsi.  Please, I’m not wasting 200 calories on pepsi. 

I got back from the zoo, riding 6 miles total on my bike, with the absolute worst headache in the world.  I took some tylenol and took a nap.  Mitch came home with supper, I was going to have chicken and rice but the deli was out of it so I just told him to get me a cheeseburger.  This is where the diet fell apart.  I felt to horrible to think about eating and ate more than I needed without even enjoying it.  Later on tonight I was hungry and all I could think about was food.  It became obsessive, and I started to get anxious at the thought of not having a turkey sandwich.  I decided that the anxiety wasn’t worth it, and had the turkey part of the sandwich, the bread was gross, and a coke.  Overall today it was about 1300 calories which isn’t bad normally, but a lot more than the past three days.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fletcher Diet Experiment Day Three

storyland 172

Today the diet is continuing to go very well in some ways and slightly concerning in others.  Today my total calorie count was 500.  That’s definitely not something I’m going to keep up full time, possibly not even for the rest of the week.  The point of the diet was to not change any eating behaviors and just chew everything a ton.  This has apparently caused me to lose much of my appetite. 

Lunch today was just yogurt.  Low fat yogurt – 80 calories.  Not great but better than yesterday.  Supper was turkey and baby corn.  I ate about 1/8th of the total meal, Mitchell had the rest.  Supper came to about 150 calories.  I know, it’s crazy.  I had one soda, which is actually a big deal because I drink soda like crazy.  Topped everything off with a banana because I felt I should consume more calories, even if I wasn’t particularly hungry at the time. 

Fletcher Diet Experiment Day Two

storyland 170

Day Two of my dieting experiment went pretty well.  I think as a result of these two days I have become a lot less hungry during the day.  I’m more hopeful that something positive might actually come out of this experiment.

Today’s lunch consisted of leftover mushroom fried rice, but I pretty much just picked out the mushrooms and had those.  So a whopping 38 calories for lunch.  The strange thing is I fell satiated after eating it and wasn’t particularly hungry until supper time.

Dinner was sausage and pepper pizza.  I had two and a half slices for 447 calories, a much better number for a meal.  What was more exciting was that I stopped eating when I no longer felt hungry instead of stuffing myself until I get a stomach ache.  The incessant chewing definitely helps with that, I get tired of eating very quickly, but I also think I’m starting to gain more control over my eating.  Everyone knows that the last bites that you take when you’re already full don’t taste very good and just make you feel like crap.  However not taking those bites can be very difficult.  Hopefully this is a behavior that I’ll be able to continue when I start chewing normally again.

The picture is from Farm Follies, an awesome show in Storyland in NH. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Dyed My Hair!!!


Every few months I get bored of my hair and feel an urgent need to change it.  Usually I can resist.  This time, however, I gave in and decided it would be fun to dye my hair.  Mitch and I went to the drugstore last night and decided on black as a color.  I dyed it today in a surprisingly complicated process with many warnings of things that could make the dye explode.  But I was successful!!!  And I now have dark black hair!


I wanted to start putting up almost daily pictures of myself mainly as a record and also as an encouragement to myself to put together cute outfits.  Lately I’ve basically been wearing whatever fit and was comfortable because I was too ashamed of my body to go out and get new clothes that actually fit.  I was doing the whole diet and exercise thing partly to gain some sort of control over my body and to no longer be disgusted by it.  I thought I was making progress, finding things I liked about the body I have now but today I had a set back.

I took pictures last night and today uploaded them to my computer.  However, instead of editing the picture and uploading to the blog I deleted them all.  Because I looked fat.  It’s pathetic really.  I look how I look, I should embrace it not be too embarrassed to even bother editing pictures of myself.

So I have made a new pact with myself.  I will take a picture as often as possible and upload every one to this blog, no matter how fat I think I look in it.

Diet Experiment Day One Part Two

I managed to get all the way to supper without snacking.  I actually wasn’t even hungry, though that might have been from the slight nausea caused by the incessant chewing of lunch.  Either way, I only consumed about 300 calories before supper.  Which is kind of ridiculous, and definitely not something that I’d be able to do or even should attempt to do everyday.


For supper we went out to eat and I got macaroni and cheese.  No idea how many calories were in it but I’m assuming a lot.  It was delicious and I did do the chewing thing for the entire meal.  In the end I ate about half, maybe less.  Plus a couple of french fries that I stole from Mitch.  I’m estimating that I ate about 500 calories for dinner.  Overall for the day I consumed less than 1000 calories. 

There may be something to this diet, at least in the short term.  I ate significantly less than normal and wasn’t dying of hunger like I usually am when I try and cut back.  Finally, why is it impossible to take pretty pictures of food?  I swear the mac and cheese looked delectable in person.