Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Diet Experiment – The Fletcher Diet Part One

My main problem with trying to lose weight is that I am incredibly impatient.  So when nothing happens right away I become incredibly despondent and usually give up.  During this past month I’ve been better than normal about not eating so much and exercising and yet nothing is happening.  I thought instead of getting frustrated I would try and do something fun to take my mind off of it.  So I’m going to start experimenting with some ridiculous old diets.  Starting with the weirdest one I could find, The Fletcher Diet.

Mainly this diet consists of chewing your food until it basically liquefies.  The theory behind it is that when you eat too quickly the digestion that should take place in your mouth doesn’t happen and for some reason this causes you to gain weight.  Or at least not digest your food properly leading to health problems.  If it does work my guess is because it takes so long to eat that you end up eating less.  We’ll see if it works.  Starting today and I’m planning on going on for a week. 

Meal One:


Leftovers from dinner at Gasho, a Japanese steak house; hibachi fried rice, steak, and some mixed vegetables.  about 750 calories total. (It’s not really purple, it’s very hard to take nice photos of food so I decided to just make it ridiculous and fun.

Ok so first of all, the diet recommends chewing about 32 times for each bite.  It ends up so that you “involuntarily” swallow the food and the counting of the bites isn’t actually important. 

I’m about a quarter of the way through lunch and I feel kind of nauseous.  Maybe that’s why you end up losing weight.  Also, my jaw hurts.

After finishing lunch I’ve ended up eating about a quarter of it, so around 250 calories.  I know from experience that normally I would eat the entire meal, plus the soup and appetizers we normally get at the restaurant.  Possibly there is something to this diet, but just as likely I’ll be starving in an hour and eat more.  I won’t really know until the end of the day. 

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